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Keshav Mohta

Ubuntu tips

/ 2 min read

install Ubuntu

install ubuntu 24.04 using USb or whatever way; here I am telling what I do after installation of ubuntu to make it better

Ubuntu Desktop


  • Ubuntu 24.04 comes with Windows type settings dialog and there are few tweaks which are useful

  • This new Ubuntu have more GUI and right click menu which gives experience of same as windows/mac.

  • Home icon on bottom right is similar to My Computer

  • other partition also displayed on dash you can uncheck if not want to

  • the little App Launcher on the end of Dash have all recent apps and settings just like Finder in Mac

  • on top there is power button and other settings which can be open using Super + s keyboard shortcut

  1. Open settings from app Launcher and do some tweaks such as

    • move dash to right
    • add seconds in time display
  2. search for do top 10 things to do after install from OMG ubuntu page and debugpoint

  3. install few additional tools using terminal

    Terminal window
    > sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    > sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
    > sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-tiling-assistant
    > sudo add-apt-repository universe
    > sudo apt install fonts-roboto fonts-cascadia-code fonts-firacode
    > sudo apt install dconf-cli dconf-editor
    > sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
  4. install few apps from Ubuntu app store

    • Gnome Calendar

    • Extension Manager

    click on Apps > software updater and update the software for once

  5. remove key ring options using this useful article

  6. install few useful packages for development

    • VS code

    download .deb package from vscode and install

    Terminal window
    > sudo gpkg -i < ~/Downloads/code_1.88.1-1712771838_amd64 >
    • Node js

      Terminal window
      > sudo apt install nodejs
      > sudo apt install npm

    verify once installed using node -v

    • GIT
    Terminal window
    > sudo apt install git-all
    • VIM
    Terminal window
    > sudo apt install vim
    • TREE
    Terminal window
    > sudo apt install tree

Things to Notice

  • ubuntu default notepad support markdown; you need to change document type

  • make terminal and vs code “pin to dash” means it will be on program panel

  • screenshot can be taken using Print Screen button from keyboard

  • screenshot auto saved in picture/screenshot folder

  • if you need to update grub then install grub cutomizer

Terminal window
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grub-customizer

Install File Manager

Terminal window
> sudo apt install nautilus

install tree

sudo apt install tree

Hope it helps to setup your ubuntu.
